Due to the Governor of NH issuing a statewide mask mandate and increase in positive cases in our school and the surrounding area, GHS will require that all persons wear a mask at all times in the buildings.
Remote Learning Update – Through Thanksgiving
GHS will remain in our remote instructional model through the Thanksgiving holiday. Students are expected to participate in remote learning on 11/23, 11/24, and 11/25. The Thanksgiving break begins on Thursday 11/26.
Remote Instruction
Due to a positive case of COVID-19 in the GHS school community; GHS will be remote for the remainder of the week (11/18, 11/19, and 11/20).
All individuals who have been identified as having close contact with the positive case, have already been notified by a school official. We also ask all individuals, who have been notified, to please answer when you are contacted by someone from the Department of Health and Public Safety.
Sending School Districts Educational Delivery
In the event that a sending school district pivots to remote only instruction as their primary instructional method due to substantial community spread and high impact of COVID-19 in their schools, GHS will require that students from that district be educated remotely.
Students who have to pivot to remote education based on their sending school’s community spread of COVID-19 will stay remote, until their district pivots back to at least hybrid instruction.
Sick Policy Update
Sick Policy Changes:
Due to changes made by the Divisions of Public Health Services in NH, Granite Hill school has updated our sick policy for students.
Important Changes:
- A student with any symptom of illness (such as, but not limited to; vomiting, diarrhea, fever, running nose, cough, flu like symptoms, body aches, and loss of taste and smell) will not be allowed at school.
- Parents are asked to have the student self-isolate and get tested for COVID-19.
- Students may return to school after a confirmed negative test AND when they are 24 hours symptom free.
- If the student does not get tested they can return to school 10 days after the onset of their symptoms.
Travel Outside of New England
The following is required if you are planning to travel with your child outside of New England :
- All students must report upcoming travel outside of New England to GHS.
- Per the DPHS any person who travels outside of New England must quarantine for 14 days before returning to work or school.
GHS will accommodate students who have to quarantine for any reason with remote instruction. It is important to give GHS notice of planned travel so remote instruction can be coordinated for your chikd. Students who are quarantining for travel will be responsible for all assigned work during their quarantine.
If you have any questions about these changes or if your child should stay home, please reach out to Sarah Attwood, COVID-19 Coordinator, at [email protected]