Senior Activities

 Below is all the information for the end of the year activities for seniors. Please reach out if you have any questions. You can call the school directly or reach out to Brittney Crawford, the senior class advisor, via email: [email protected].

Senior Trips

There are two senior trip options this year. Students have already chosen their destination and the information for each trip is as follows. Boston: This trip will be occurring on May 25th. Students will arrive on their normal transportation. Students will leave GHS to head to Boston at 8:45. Students will return to GHS between 4:30 and 5 and GHS will provide transportation home for students. Canobie: This trip will be occurring on June 8th. Students will arrive on their normal transportation. Students will leave GHS to head to Canobie Lake Park at 8:45. Students will return to GHS between 4 and  4:30 and GHS will provide transportation home for students. 

**On the day of the Boston trip, the seniors going to Canobie DO NOT need to come to school. On the day of the Canobie trip, the students that went on the Boston trip DO NOT need to come to school. The exception to this is if your senior owes any work, they will be expected to still attend school to get caught up.


Graduation will be taking place on June 16th at 1pm. Seniors are not expected or required to come to school that day, but should plan to arrive at GHS by 12:15. Graduates will be given the option of formal portraits once in their graduation attire, this is free for families. Please let GHS know if your student will need transportation. Graduation will start promptly at 1pm. There is no limit on how many guests each senior can bring; however each senior will be provided with one table and 8 chairs for their guests. This means any additional guests will need to bring their own chair, or be okay with standing. This event happens RAIN OR SHINE.

Home Stretch

We are entering the home stretch of the 2022-2023 school year! The fourth quarter has officially started and students are engrossed in classes and projects. The end of the year is quickly approaching. Graduation will be June 16th and the underclassmen celebration will be June 21st. More information will be shared about both of those events. Additionally, the middle school will host their end of the year celebration on June 20th. Again, more information will be sent home.