Dear Parents/Guardians;
As most of you have probably read in the news, the number of cases of COVID-19 in our area are going up. With this information in mind, I would like to remind everyone of the policy here for individuals with new or unexplained symptoms of COVID-19. These include but are not limited to; fever (over 100.3), cough, runny nose, loss of taste or smell, flu-like symptoms, and other respiratory symptoms. People who exhibit these symptoms or have come in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 are instructed to self-isolate and seek medical attention.
GHS is following the screening algorithm that was developed for New Hampshire Schools. If your student has any of the above symptoms, we ask that you keep your student home. Your student can return once they have seen a doctor and followed all of their medical advice. Students will not be readmitted to school until they have a doctor’s note. Doctor’s notes can be faxed to 603-863-1574 or emailed to [email protected]. Students may always attend their classes remotely when they are out.
It is imperative during this time that, as a school community, we stay vigilant. We assure you that all adults that work at the school are being held to the same standard. We continue to follow our sanitization protocols, follow social distancing guidelines, practice proper hand hygiene, and proper mask wearing.
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to answer any of your questions during this unprecedented time in education.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Attwood
Assistant Principal
COVID-19 Coordinator for GHS