Fall Update – 8.25.21

Fall Update – 8.25.21

Welcome Back!

I sent an email out ahead of time to let everyone know GHS would be doing the beginning of the year paperwork a little differently this year. I am still looking for a system that works. If you as a parent or guardian have a suggestion, please share. I have the hardest time getting paperwork back, most of which is required.

I will be sending a folder home with your student on the first day of school, September 8th. Paperwork is due back by Friday, September 10th.

If your student has had an updated physical or immunizations, please have your Dr’s office send a copy to GHS. Both fax number and address are below. Immunizations are a requirement by the state for reporting purposes. If your student does not have one or both of these, there will be a letter in the front of your student’s folder.

If you have any questions about these items, please don’t hesitate to ask me! I can be reached reach during school hours, by email at [email protected], or by phone at 603.863.0697. Can’t wait to see you all!